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Resumen de precios de SalesScreen

SalesScreen de un vistazo

We offer a variety of options that cater to different team sizes and needs. Whether you're a small team looking to boost engagement or a large enterprise aiming for comprehensive gamification strategies, we've got you covered. Compare our plans and select the one that suits your goals.

SalesScreen tiene 3 ediciones de precios, desde una prueba gratuita hasta $45. Mira las diferentes ediciones de precios a continuación y ve qué edición y características se ajustan a tu presupuesto y necesidades.
Prueba gratuitaPor mes
Essentials is a great place to start with the foundations of SalesScreen. Perfect for small teams or introducing gamification to companies of any size.
  • Track + Gamify Up To 4 Metrics
  • SalesSurround On Unlimited TV Screens
  • One SalesSurround Playlist
  • One Interactive Feed
  • 2 Competition Types
Experience the power of data visualization with real-time dashboards and an interactive feed that fosters a culture of recognition and accountability.
  • Unlimited Metric Tracking
  • Unlimited Achievements + Badges
  • 1 Interactive Feed
  • 2 Competition Types
  • 1 Native Integration
Our most popular plan accelerates performance by breaking down long-term goals into achievable daily activities tracked in real-time dashboards and leaderboards.
  • Everything in Scale Package
  • All Competition Types
  • Unlimited Interactive Feeds
  • Unlimited Integrations
  • Unlimited Dashboards

Precios y planes de SalesScreen

Prueba gratuita disponible
La información de precios para SalesScreen es proporcionada por el proveedor de software o recuperada de materiales de precios de acceso público. Las negociaciones finales de costos para comprar SalesScreen deben realizarse con el vendedor.

Let us show you how investing in gamification to motivate your sales teams can result in a huge return for your business.

La información de precios se actualizó por última vez en February 13, 2025
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Reseñas de precios de SalesScreen

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