Resumen de precios de Indusface WAS
Indusface WAS de un vistazo
Indusface WAS comes with flexible lock-in free monthly pricing. We have three plans based on the application and need, user can choose any one of them.
Nombre | Precio | Características |
Advance Plan | $59.00 | Detección Integral de Riesgos
Premium Plan | Contáctanos | Detección de Riesgo Gestionado
MSSP Edition | Contáctanos |
Precios y planes de Indusface WAS
Alternativas de Indusface WAS Mejor Valoradas
Precios de alternativas de Indusface WAS
A continuación se muestra una descripción general rápida de las ediciones ofrecidas por otros Software de Pruebas de Seguridad de Aplicaciones Dinámicas (DAST)
![]() Basic Tower | $5,000per year | Hasta 100 nodos
![]() Pro - 1 Year | $3,390.001 License Con compra única | Licencia de 1 año de la solución líder en la industria para la evaluación de vulnerabilidades.
![]() By Compute Asset | Contáctanos | Una licencia de suscripción anual de Orca se valora por activo de computación. Esto te permite adoptar nuevas tecnologías (como Orca) sin preocuparte por ser cobrado por activos como almacenamiento en la nube o bases de datos.
Varios precios y planes de alternativas
Reseñas de precios de Indusface WAS
We have been using the Indusface WAS regularly for about three years. We have found that it to have consistent and reliable detection over time which is verified from time to time by third party penetration testing.
Other positives are the ease of use of the platform. The online portal interface is easy to use and intuitive.
And lastly excellent customer support. When an issue / request is raised one can be assured that it will be considered and actioned where possible. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
The only thing that I would wish was different is that there is no reduced/special pricing for staging/development environment scans. Currently we have to make do with the free version for testing before deployment to the development environment and it is quite limited in it's functionality, as well as the number and type of scans allowed. It would be great to have one's development environment included when buying a license for the production environment or to have access to a second license at a reduced cost to detect and remediate vulnerabilities before moving a solution to the development environment. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en