Alternativas de EMR Components Mejor Valoradas
1 EMR Components Reseñas
The overall overlay is very understandable of the software. I never received any training on the software, but was able to pick up very quickly and it was easy to use. There are a lot of buttons and options to click, and that comes with experience I feel, but as a new user, I was able to do the essential functions quickly. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Like I said previously, there are a lot of options to keep clicking through, so it does get overwhelming sometimes, and it does involve a lot of clicking, and it has to be done with the mouse. I would prefer to just keep hitting tab and enter, so I didn't have to keep switching between my mouse and keyboard. But the amount of options makes it tough to do so. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
No hay suficientes reseñas de EMR Components para que G2 proporcione información de compra. A continuación, se muestran algunas alternativas con más reseñas: