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277 Dialpad Support Reseñas
Sentimiento General de la Reseña para Dialpad Support
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The accessibility I have to my voicemail and the user-friendly Dialpad Contact Center. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
There is nothing I dislike about it. Overall, it's wonderful. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

Me gusta tener todo lo que necesito en un solo lugar. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Es difícil hacer llamadas de conferencia y las llamadas a menudo se cortan al hacer una llamada de conferencia. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
It's easy to record calls to review later on. Never had any connectivity issues with anyone I'm talking to. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Not much to dislike on Dialpad to be honest. It's very easy to use. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I like that Dialpad provides me with a direct line along with a pool line for our incoming customer calls Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I dislike the most recent update because it seems to be damaging the desktop app Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I love the HubSpot integration and the easily searchable history/notes. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Every once in a while it will glitch, but it is usually resolved quickly. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
It is easy to use when it is working. You can text or call from your computer making things work faster. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
It is always down and has a lot of glitches. The company has to send out "working on dialpad issues" frequently Reseña recopilada por y alojada en