Alternativas de Device Magic Mejor Valoradas
Con Device Magic podemos recopilar una variedad de tipos de datos (incluyendo fotos y coordenadas GPS) en lugares donde no podemos acceder a internet. Una vez que la persona que recopila datos está "de vuelta a la civilización", Device Magic descarga todo directamente en una hoja de Google para su posterior manejo. Pudimos crear formularios personalizados para diferentes propósitos utilizando la interfaz gráfica de usuario muy intuitiva y fácil de usar, y todo esto a un precio muy razonable. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
La curva de aprendizaje para dirigir los datos del formulario al lugar correcto fue un poco empinada, pero solo tomó un par de intentos para resolver lo que necesitábamos hacer. Tuvimos que ser un poco cuidadosos con los permisos para las carpetas y archivos a los que apuntaban los formularios para evitar problemas de envío. Principalmente, no me gustó que el proyecto para el que construimos formularios esté actualmente detenido indefinidamente y no he encontrado - ¡todavía! - otra razón para usar Device Magic dentro de nuestra organización. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
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The app does that it says it is supposed to do. It is a good way to fill out forms on the field, without internet and anywhere you may be. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Devicemagic gives no refunds no matter what. We were mislead by their poorly designed website and were automatically billed onto our credit card for over 3000$ worth of licenses. We told devicemagic the issue and they were unwilling to give a refund and were told that according to the terms and conditions, they have all the rights to bill us without consent. Very dishonest company, couldn't recommend Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
The app just works! The backoffice (web browser-based) part, used to set up forms, works great, and the forms always do what I expected. The back end, though, is amazing. I haven't found an integration that I couldn't make happen; I use a lot of google drive and XML to move data from Device Magic to my legacy systems; DeviceMagic supports just about every sort of connection I can think of beyond that. We bought into DeviceMagic because our web-based data collection app isn't very mobile friendly; Device Magic is *totally* mobile friendly and highly reliable. Integrating the data from the two systems is much easier with the DeviceMagic data than the other system. I'm hoping we can replace the other thing with DeviceMagic soon. I LOVE that the app will collect data whether it has a data connection or not, and if not, automatically submit the data as soon as it does have a connection. We develop content in both English and Spanish for our contractors, and DeviceMagic handles this quite well. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I'd really like to be able to fill in forms (collect data) from an office PC , perhaps via a web browser (I hear that is coming, though). At this point, the app and the backend only seem to know how to deal with pictures for attachments; allowing something like a PDF to be attached could be very useful, especially if we can get to where we can fill out a form on a PC or a browser.
Not really a dislike, but I'd kind of like to be able to develop forms in more non-english languages. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Bringing mobile apps online is quick and intuitive. The support staff are teriffic and friendly. You can be online and gathering data near immediately. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Overall the product does a great job of gathering field data without much of any issue. The back side of analyics isnt as robust as it could be and can be improved but the developers and support group are working on that and making good strides to improve those functions and others. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Good UI, easy to make changes, works offline. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
After cancelling my account and forgetting to switch from annual to a monthly subscription, device magic decided to bill the full annual amount (fair enough as i forgot). I explained the situation that i wasn't using the product but they didn't care and insisted I pay the annual amount regardless (robotically referring to their terms and conditions).
They they then sent to a debt collection agency. The product might be decent but they don't care at all about their customers or companies that work with their software.
For any prospective customers, I believe Zoho Forms does all that device magic does at a fraction of the price so just go with them. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I love the one on one attention our company gets and the direct contact we have with DM! I love that when I have a question I can chat with someone right away or I can email my company success rep and they get back to me right away. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I feel that the analytics portion of the portal could be improved significantly. There is also an option for automatic reports to be sent on a weekly or daily bases dependent on the information that is requested. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

El producto hace lo que anuncia que debe hacer. Arrastrar y soltar para configurar formularios lo hace fácil de usar. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
El precio de este producto se ha vuelto impredecible. Los precios siguen subiendo y cuando se realizó mi último pago, había saltado de $40.80 al mes a $81 sin nuevos usuarios. Las llamadas para obtener una explicación tomaron unas 3 semanas y me informaron sobre correos electrónicos que me avisaban de las actualizaciones de precios. Esto era cierto, pero también me dijeron que estaba en un plan de precios "especial" porque había sido cliente durante tanto tiempo. Luego, duplicar el precio fue una locura. Por la cantidad que usamos este producto (tal vez 80 formularios al mes), no hay manera de justificar $1000 al año en costos. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Building mobile forms is pretty simple and straightforward. The form UI for mobile users is clean and simple, very easy for inexperienced users to navigate. I like that you can force an answer so that users cannot skip over key questions. We use multiple subcontractors and it is easy to dispatch forms out to all of the subcontractors in one quick process. We can customize our forms on the fly without disrupting the workflow of the guys in the field. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
The subscription model of charging per device vs per user can get to be expensive and is an additional management requirement. If you don't carefully manage this, it gets expensive quickly. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

Es muy fácil de usar incluso para personas sin experiencia con esta tecnología, es muy práctico y tiene varias funciones que son muy útiles para la empresa, facilita la creación de formularios y la adaptación de los formularios existentes para nuevos usos que se envían tanto a nuestros clientes como a los socios de nuestra empresa, esto nos ahorra mucho tiempo en nuestras actividades diarias y tiene un diseño agradable y creo sinceramente que cualquiera puede usar este programa eficiente. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
No me ha pasado muy a menudo, pero a veces el programa se congela y cierra las ventanas y pierdo formularios que había creado y tengo que repetir el proceso de nuevo. No sucede muy a menudo, pero cuando sucede es estresante. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
We always use Device Magic when we have a data collection exercise in the field because it simplifies all the work from creating forms up to delivery of collected data. Good enough we can send newly created forms to field workers wherever they are, they can collect and submit data including location, pictures and signatures without the need for internet connection or mobile network, and submitted data sorts itself in the system to where is it needed. As an administrator I control who should see which forms so that everyone gets what they need. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Mobile forms does not allow scan text and convert option of transferring hard copy forms to mobile forms which would be a great feature too. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en