Resumen de precios de Chargezoom
Chargezoom de un vistazo
Sign-up for a Free account on Paid plans start at $9/mo.
Nombre | Precio | Características |
Pro | $9.00Por mes | Pagos en tiempo real
Business | $29.00Por mes | Se paga automáticamente
Plus + | A partir de $99.00Por mes | La Suite de Pago Definitiva
Precios y planes de Chargezoom
What market are you addressing?
Small to Medium Size Businesses (SMB), from 1 to 500 employees who utilize eCommerce or do Business-to-Business (B2B) sales.
What problems are you trying to solve?
SMB market is underserved in payments area, too many software tools to create efficiencies have created a new problem, inefficiency in managing multiple tools. Processing fees are higher for small businesses and technology at enterprise organizations is still far superior and more efficient creating a huge disadvantage for the largest business segment.
Is Support included?
Yes, email and phone support is included on all free trials and paid plans.
Alternativas de Chargezoom Mejor Valoradas
Precios de alternativas de Chargezoom
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![]() Free Trial | $0 | Por favor, visita "Prueba Sage Intacct Gratis" arriba. |
Prueba gratuita | Sandbox amigable para desarrolladores donde puedes probar la facturación gratis durante 30 días.
| |
![]() ESSENTIALS | $45.00 | Cuentas por pagar o cuentas por cobrar
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