Resumen de precios de BrightGauge
BrightGauge de un vistazo
Start with everything you need in a Business Intelligence package. If you love what you see and need more, just add some extra power as you go.
Nombre | Precio | Características |
Standard | $316.00Por mes |
Enterpise | $436.00Por mes |
Enterprise+ | $616.00Por mes |
Precios y planes de BrightGauge
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
La información de precios se actualizó por última vez en January 06, 2025Alternativas de BrightGauge Mejor Valoradas
Precios de alternativas de BrightGauge
A continuación se muestra una descripción general rápida de las ediciones ofrecidas por otros Herramientas de Visualización de Datos
![]() Canva Free | Gratis | Todo lo que necesitas para empezar a diseñar
![]() Launch | $59.005 Clients Por mes | Para freelancers o pequeñas agencias que buscan una solución de informes sencilla.
![]() 30-DAY TRIAL | $0Free for 30 days |
Varios precios y planes de alternativas
BrightGauge Comparaciones
Reseñas de precios de BrightGauge
Brightgauge helps convey what's important to me as the Director of Service to the rest of my team. It allows us to use the visualized data to summarize what and where we need to focus our collective efforts. Brightgauge helps us encapsulate parts of our service delivery and assign it to a stakeholder within my team, so we can easily hold each other accountable, and support each other when we know a metric has breached the bandwidth of an individual or team. Additionally, the customer support team is fantanstic in figuring out where we have gone wrong. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
More free data sources is always welcome, so we can integrate even more into Brightgauge without increasing the cost burden we are already signed up for in various platforms. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en