Resumen de precios de Arctera Backup Exec
Arctera Backup Exec de un vistazo
Have questions about Backup Exec? Please reach out to a Veritas Sales Representative, and they will follow up with you by phone or email.
Precios y planes de Arctera Backup Exec
Veritas Technologies is a global leader in data protection and availability. Over 80,000 customers—including 87 percent of the Fortune Global 500—rely on us to abstract IT complexity and simplify data management. The Veritas Enterprise Data Services Platform automates the protection and orchestrates the recovery of data everywhere it lives, ensures 24/7 availability of business-critical applications, and provides enterprises with the insights they need to comply with evolving data regulations. With a reputation for reliability at scale and a deployment model to fit any need, Veritas Enterprise Data Services Platform supports more than 800 different data sources, over 100 different operating systems, more than 1,400 storage targets, and more than 60 different cloud platforms. Learn more at Follow us on Twitter at @veritastechllc.
La información de precios se actualizó por última vez en March 02, 2023