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Brendon B.
Business Technology Specialist, eCommerce and Digital Marketing, Front-End Developer.

Is Brightpearl accounting reliable, thorough and on par with dedicated accounting software.

I like the idea of Brightpearl for inventory and order management, but our company has adopted the policy of strong accounting first, so if Brightpearl has not resolved some of the accounting issues that I have seen in user reviews, then I would not be able to justify using this software.
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Anita D.
Si estás en los EE. UU. y aplicas el impuesto sobre las ventas a tus facturas. Entonces tendría que decir que no. Especialmente si tienes tanto clientes y productos gravables como no gravables. Si no estás obligado a presentar el impuesto sobre las ventas local y estatal, entonces podría estar bien.
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