Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Venmo es más fácil de usar y configurar. Sin embargo, QuickBooks Payments es más fácil de administrar. Los revisores también prefirieron hacer negocios con QuickBooks Payments en general.
I like that I can bill my clients directly to their account
Quickbooks payments had the information for an account I am no longer able to access (my bad). When I saw that a client had made an $18K payment through Quickbooks payments in spite of my instructions to wire it directly to the correct account. In 4...
Es una forma rápida y confiable de enviar dinero a personas.
More friendly mobile platform should be good
I like that I can bill my clients directly to their account
Es una forma rápida y confiable de enviar dinero a personas.
Quickbooks payments had the information for an account I am no longer able to access (my bad). When I saw that a client had made an $18K payment through Quickbooks payments in spite of my instructions to wire it directly to the correct account. In 4...
More friendly mobile platform should be good