Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Nitro Pro es más fácil de usar y hacer negocios en general. Sin embargo, prefirieron la facilidad de configuración con Tungsten Power PDF, junto con la administración.
- Generalmente hace lo que podrías esperar: agregar/cambiar/eliminar páginas, agregar/eliminar marcadores fácilmente, completar documentos PDF. - La firma digital funciona bien. Incluso mi banco acepta las firmas digitales (autenticadas con mi tarjeta de...
They gave so many warnings to get me to switch to Nitro Pro which was really annoying. I ended up switching back to the free version and am looking for a new pdf viewer/editor.
I am not sure how much our organization pays for this product, but it's totally worth it. Using this for annotation, review, document reading, signing, adding text, pictures, check boxes is a breeze.
I feel this product would work better with an easier interface the options are hidden alot and it takes some good practice to be able to use it correctly
- Generalmente hace lo que podrías esperar: agregar/cambiar/eliminar páginas, agregar/eliminar marcadores fácilmente, completar documentos PDF. - La firma digital funciona bien. Incluso mi banco acepta las firmas digitales (autenticadas con mi tarjeta de...
I am not sure how much our organization pays for this product, but it's totally worth it. Using this for annotation, review, document reading, signing, adding text, pictures, check boxes is a breeze.
They gave so many warnings to get me to switch to Nitro Pro which was really annoying. I ended up switching back to the free version and am looking for a new pdf viewer/editor.
I feel this product would work better with an easier interface the options are hidden alot and it takes some good practice to be able to use it correctly