Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Lattice es más fácil de usar y administrar. Además, sintieron que Lattice facilita más hacer negocios en general. Sin embargo, los revisores sintieron que los productos son igualmente fáciles de configurar.
Los usuarios recorren lógicamente todo el proceso de revisión de empleados.
Hard to navigate, people stop using it after the initial rollout, and you just never think to take the extra step to log in to leave feedback.
Initially we used to track our KRAs in google sheets, but mesh has smoothned that process a lot. We use it in our organisation during appraisal cycle.
The UI is terrible. The platform is very buggy. This really should be a free beta while they are clearly still working to try to develop the software. When you create meetings, they show up in your calendar in India's time zone. Many things just odn't work...
Los usuarios recorren lógicamente todo el proceso de revisión de empleados.
Initially we used to track our KRAs in google sheets, but mesh has smoothned that process a lot. We use it in our organisation during appraisal cycle.
Hard to navigate, people stop using it after the initial rollout, and you just never think to take the extra step to log in to leave feedback.
The UI is terrible. The platform is very buggy. This really should be a free beta while they are clearly still working to try to develop the software. When you create meetings, they show up in your calendar in India's time zone. Many things just odn't work...