Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Juno Journey es más fácil de usar, configurar y administrar. También prefirieron hacer negocios con Juno Journey en general.
La versatilidad de la plataforma. Me gusta la capacidad de personalizar páginas e informes.
Faltan varias características críticas en Docebo que mi organización necesita, con solo algunos ejemplos siendo la capacidad de probar notificaciones, la capacidad de requerir clic en todas las diapositivas con la integración de Google, facilitando el...
a lot of variety very easy to use platform which i find very nice. a lot of very helpful classes and you can develop your brain a learn a lot of new things.
1) All (seriously, ALL) of their features will have a bug and they will say they're really sorry but will never fix it. You just have to manage a fix yourself. 2) Their videoconference feature is so bad that even they don't use it. Their support sessions...
La versatilidad de la plataforma. Me gusta la capacidad de personalizar páginas e informes.
a lot of variety very easy to use platform which i find very nice. a lot of very helpful classes and you can develop your brain a learn a lot of new things.
Faltan varias características críticas en Docebo que mi organización necesita, con solo algunos ejemplos siendo la capacidad de probar notificaciones, la capacidad de requerir clic en todas las diapositivas con la integración de Google, facilitando el...
1) All (seriously, ALL) of their features will have a bug and they will say they're really sorry but will never fix it. You just have to manage a fix yourself. 2) Their videoconference feature is so bad that even they don't use it. Their support sessions...