Cloudera Data Platform is like a super-smart organizer for data, helping companies handle lots of information easily and securely. It works well with big data and lets businesses analyze and use their data smartly, making decisions based on facts.
Se mencionan cosas. Proporciona flexibilidad en la gestión de datos a través de plataformas, pero necesita mejoras en términos de integración. Las medidas de seguridad no son decentes. La plataforma es gratuita para descargar y usar, la falta de soporte al...
Advanced my undersatnding ot the catalog
IBM Watson knowledge catalog was poorly designed by a group of underpaid developers and marketed by well-compensated demon-vipers.
Cloudera Data Platform is like a super-smart organizer for data, helping companies handle lots of information easily and securely. It works well with big data and lets businesses analyze and use their data smartly, making decisions based on facts.
Advanced my undersatnding ot the catalog
Se mencionan cosas. Proporciona flexibilidad en la gestión de datos a través de plataformas, pero necesita mejoras en términos de integración. Las medidas de seguridad no son decentes. La plataforma es gratuita para descargar y usar, la falta de soporte al...
IBM Watson knowledge catalog was poorly designed by a group of underpaid developers and marketed by well-compensated demon-vipers.