Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Cisco Umbrella es más fácil de usar, configurar y administrar. Además, prefirieron hacer negocios en general con Cisco Umbrella.
El firewall de puerta de enlace web proporciona protección contra los últimos ataques y su integración con otros productos de Cisco como SecureX.
It did not block the things we had set it to block. Not the best for internet filtering. It is also not user friendly if you aren’t familiar with tech lingo and deciding URLS
Kaspersky Security for Internet Gateways provides integrated protection from all types of web threats and malware, which is a crucial requirement. Also, It can handle a massive amount of traffic
Product can be difficult to configure properly depending on environment
El firewall de puerta de enlace web proporciona protección contra los últimos ataques y su integración con otros productos de Cisco como SecureX.
Kaspersky Security for Internet Gateways provides integrated protection from all types of web threats and malware, which is a crucial requirement. Also, It can handle a massive amount of traffic
It did not block the things we had set it to block. Not the best for internet filtering. It is also not user friendly if you aren’t familiar with tech lingo and deciding URLS
Product can be difficult to configure properly depending on environment