Corey N.
SEM Specialist at 4 Walls Inc./Respage

Will you be adding the feature of finding/removing duplicate "search terms"?

Helps find when search terms are triggering multiple keywords.
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If what you are doing is getting the results you want, carry on!
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Yes, in all campaigns it's important to monitor the search terms that are triggering your impressions and clicks and use the information to add keywords and negative keywords. If you haven't been monitoring search terms you may be surprised to see some of the searches that are triggering clicks. Also, I suggest you not use broad match search keywords. Use modified broad match or the other more selective search types -- phrase match or exact match.
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Thanks for the clarification. So you were correctly using the word "search term" and your question related to monitoring search terms in order to eliminate unproductive clicks, right? The 20 Minute Work week offers the opportunity to add negative keywords in the Add Negatives For Shopping and the Optimize Search Traffic sections. Optimize Search Traffic also provides opportunities to add productive Search Keywords. That's good, but in my experience it's not enough. Monitoring the search terms will show you many more instances where you can add productive search keywords and where you can eliminate unproductive searches by adding negative keywords or deleting or changing your search keywords. Especially in Shopping campaigns I find that it's essential to monitor the search terms report every week and add negative keywords. Because every word in the product description is a potential search keyword in Shopping, Shopping campaigns are almost always bound to generate a large value of impressions and clicks from people who will never be your customers. I currently have close to 2000 negative keywords in each of my two Shopping campaigns, and that number grows each week. Only a small fraction of those negative keywords were generated by the 20 Minute Work Week. I would venture that failing to make use of negative keywords is the biggest waste of ad spend in most campaigns. All of my expanded text ad and other campaigns have hundreds of negative keywords unless they are relatively new.
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There is already a feature in the 20-Minute Workweek that shows alerts about duplicate Search Keywords and offers to pause one of them. In Google lingo "Search Terms" are the words and phrases entered by online searchers which trigger an impression for your ads.
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