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Gokul A.
Presales Specialist

What is the best way to use the "Library"?

I need the Project questions automatically to Library or provide a single click button to add a question to the Library while doing the RFP responses. I feel this feature will help me to add questions easily compared to the current method. Kindly help if I am wrong.
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Healthcare IT Solutions Architect
You can also provide access to others that can use it to search the Library for quick answers. The slack integration makes it very easy to access the valuable library.
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Sara M.
Director of Customer Success at Loopio
Hi Gokul, Great question! We currently have a workflow that allows you to thoughtfully update your Library, as you respond to an RFP. This allows you to update existing content; add new content; or even choose content not to send back to your Library, as you're completing an RFP. Your CSM will be following up via email with more information and to see if you have any questions on using our in Project Close Loop :) Sara
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