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What is Payoneer and how it works?

What is Payoneer and how it works?
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Payoneer is an E-banking application that lets you open multiple "receiving accounts" corresponding to different worldwide currencies, under one Payoneer account. Whether you're a business and you're looking to pay your customers by answering their invoices, or you're a freelancer looking to be paid through invoice, you have the ability to receive and send money from and to -theoretically- everyone in the world using a local bank or a Payoneer account, as long as the "receiving accounts" match. It also gives you the ability to withdraw your funds directly to your local bank connected to your Payoneer account. It gives you a total of 6 free receiving accounts or the most used worldwide currencies (USD/GBP/JPY)upon registration, an account of your local currency included. Conversion fees (if applicable) and "transfer to local bank" fees are totally inexpensive. After receiving a total of 100 of any currency, it gives you the ability to open more receiving accounts, which translates to more opportunities!
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