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How can Insider help personalize experiences while respecting customers’ privacy?

How can Insider help personalize experiences while respecting customers’ privacy?
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Official Response
Neeraj M.
Product Marketing Manager
Since brands and retailers could no longer use third-party cookies to track website visitors’ behavior or collect data to help them build personalized experiences, marketers are now relying on first-party data for contextual targeting. Insider’s cookieless personalization solution allows them to continue benefiting from a personalized online experience. Insider makes this happen by letting brands obstruct all user-activity tracking before explicit consent is provided, ensuring compliance with global regulations like GDPR and CCPA. So brands can still deliver relevant experiences for ‘opted-out’ customers by triggering personalized onsite experiences based on contextual data – such as device type or page URL – which does not contain user information. Learn more about Insider's Cookieless Personalization -
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