What can your Dialer do?

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Groove, a Clari Company
Official Response
Groove, a Clari Company
Ha N.
Director of Marketing
You can do the following with our Dialer: 1. Click-to-Call: Start any call from Gmail, Salesforce, or Flow with our built-in dialer. Say goodbye to manual dialing and wrong numbers. 2. Local Presence Calling: Make your calls from numbers with area codes that your prospects will recognize — and boost your connect rates by more than 50%. 3. Auto-call Logging: All of your call data syncs from the dialer directly into the contact history in Salesforce. Groove prompts you to add the call outcome and any notes, so your records are as accurate as possible. 4. Call Analytics: See high-level analytics on call results, including the best days of the week and times of day to make calls, and so much more.
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