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How do I vet candidates effectively using codesignal?

What is a good score to continue candidates to the next step?
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Bob Y.
Python / Back End Developer
I think you should be able to find candidates who score towards the top of the Codesignal scale. I say this because overall I think Codesignal asks questions that are easier than some other platforms, for instance Leetcode. Codesignal has 10 levels. IMO, you should probably pass on anyone scoring in the bottom half of these levels, a clear indication to me that this person might need some brushing up on basic skills, and perhaps they are not dedicating themselves to their craft. You probably would only want to consider 7 or higher. Again, this is my opinion, as an individual who has used Codesignal extensively for practice over the past few years. I think you can find candidates available who score in the 9 or 10 range on Codesignal without much issue. However, I am not sure how many Codesignal users have taken a proctored exam. I for one have not. And in any test taking environment, it is reasonable to consider that some individuals could do a little better if given another chance. Good luck to you. -Bob Young ``````
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