The UI is intuitiv and deconstructs AI very effectively. I have some experience with code-first AI and now the basic terms and concepts. It still was hard for me to apply. Peltarion helped with this. I liked the distinct 4 phases (data prep, modelling, evaluation, deployment). Modelling was easy with the prebuilt templates and many tutorials to learn from. The highlight for me was the easy deployment. Building an AI is one thing. But using it in WebApps or other applications is a whole other story. So having an endpoint for the AI is amazing. It worked like a charm and without any problems. I had a clear goal prior to using Peltarion. I was able to achieve that goal easily and quickly. So no complains here.
Serge Maurice d.
Senior Consultant/Data Scientist and Personnel Manager at Sopra Steria SE
Die Tatsache, dass es selbst für Menschen mit sehr wenig KI-Expertise leicht zugänglich ist und dass seine Demos leicht reproduzierbar und auf eigene Projekte erweiterbar sind.
Die Möglichkeit, konkurrierende Modelle auszuführen, ohne Dinge nacheinander testen zu müssen, ist ein großer Vorteil. Wir alle wissen, wie zeitaufwendig das sein kann.
Intuitive and easy to use AI platform that allows you to train state-of-the-art AI-models and put into production with one click. Competitive pricing and very good support from the Peltarion team.
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