TrackingTime PRO Preisübersicht
TrackingTime PRO im Überblick
- PRO version starts at $5 per user, per month
- Free version available
- Offers 14-day free trial on PRO
- You can add, archive and re-activate users anytime. User fees are automatically prorated.
Name | Preis | Funktionen |
Free | Kostenlos | Verfolgen und speichern Sie Ihre Zeit mühelos, absolut kostenlos.
Freelancer | $8.00Pro Monat | All-in-One Projektmanagement, Zeiterfassung und Rechnungsstellung für Ihr freiberufliches Geschäft.
PRO | $5.75Pro Monat | Alles, was Sie brauchen, um Ihr Team und die Stundenzettel wie ein Profi zu verwalten.
Business | $10.00Pro Monat | Erhöhte Sicherheit und Unterstützung für Ihre geschäftskritischen Zeiterfassungsoperationen.
TrackingTime PRO Preise & Pläne
Can I cancel anytime?
Sure! You can cancel, upgrade or downgrade your TrackingTime subscription at any time. No strings attached.
How are users counted towards billing?
You only pay for users marked as active in your account and are free to archive and re-activate users at any time as you see fit. User fees are automatically prorated every time you add new users. Also, when you archive users all their data won’t be deleted from your account, so that you can still create timesheets and reports for them.
What payment options does TrackingTime accept?
Monthly subscriptions are payable by international credit or debit cards (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, etc.). Annual subscriptions for larger teams can be paid via credit card, bank transfer, or check.
Do you offer academic/non-profit pricing?
Yes, we do. We’re both proud and humbled by the many nonprofit and educational organizations around the world who work with TrackingTime. We want to make our platform as accessible as possible for everybody who is serious about productivity, specially to those amazing people who are committing their time to making our world a better place. Get in touch with us to receive your special offer!
Do you offer a money-back guarantee?
Yes. If you aren't satisfied with TrackingTime, just let us know within the first 30 days and we will be happy to refund your money. However, please note that we don't offer refunds (full or partial) after 30 days of paying your first invoice.
Is my data safe and secure?
We are committed to keeping your data secure and follow best practices to protect it. Please refer to our Knowledge Center to learn more about the security measures we take to do so.
Can I export my data?
Yes, your data is yours. We provide several export options and always try to make it as easy as possible for you to export your account data.
Top-bewertete TrackingTime PRO Alternativen
TrackingTime PRO Alternativen Preise
Folgendes ist ein schneller Überblick über die von anderen angebotenen EditionenZeiterfassungssoftware
![]() Free | Free | Ihr grundlegendes Produktivitätstool
![]() Free | Kostenlos |
![]() Starter | $9.001 User Pro Monat | Für Solo-/Mikro-Unternehmen
Fertigstellung von Stundenzetteln in 10 Minuten, Abrechnung für 20 % mehr Stunden.
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