The upside to EASE is no in-house server maintenance as it is a SaS. This means no more AIX updates or other IBM updates. Also all Episys server updates are also performed by Symitar. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
For our CU the downsides are many. We were on our own in-house server for 6 years prior to migrating to the EASE platform. Lose of backend control - we are no longer able to add, remove, or modify information regarding consoles (workstations). This is now done by submitting a ticket to have Symitar perform that task. What was a 30 minute process at most is now in most cases a 24+ hour process. Anything that deals with the "backend" going through the root or symop is no longer available to the CU and is all controlled by the Symitar EASE team. We have had multiple issues that have affected production and an increase in man hours babysitting EASE versus the hours prior to migration that were used to actually complete tasks in Episys with access to the backend. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
The interface is appealing and straight forward. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
I dislike that there are both code ways to perform transactions as well as drag and drop, makes it confusing. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
The most helpful part about Symitar is the flawless platform. You can move easily from screen to screen, function to function with no delays and it allows you the ability to focus on your member immediately in front of you. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
If it is not tested with other core systems like Episys, you could encounter some lag. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.