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PatientLink Online Übersicht

Was ist PatientLink Online?

PatientLink provides the widest variety of online and point-of-service solutions to automate patient intake and improve the patient experience. Our affordable products make it possible for clinics to collect and send patient information as discrete structured data into your EHR and/or PM system, removing the burden of manual data entry, and promoting a quality patient encounter. Patients can sign forms, complete custom forms, pay bills, complete satisfaction surveys, and much more.

PatientLink Online Details
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PatientLink provides the widest variety of online and point-of-service solutions to automate patient intake and improve the patient experience. Our affordable products make it possible for clinics to collect and send patient information as discrete structured data into your EHR and/or PM system, removing the burden of manual data entry, and promoting a quality patient encounter. Patients can sign forms, complete custom forms, pay bills, complete satisfaction surveys, and much more.


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