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NetDirector im Überblick

NetDirector offers a simple, subscription-based pricing method that is based on either total volume of messages sent through the NetDirector interface (Default Servicing or Healthcare), or based on the individual number of existing, live integrations (Healthcare only). Pricing starts as low as $295 per month, and you never pay for integrations until they're live (no subscription fees during configuration, testing, etc.)

NetDirector hat 3 Preisversionen, von $495 bis $1,500. Schauen Sie sich unten verschiedene Preisversionen an und sehen Sie, welche Version und Funktionen Ihrem Budget und Ihren Anforderungen entsprechen.
Mortgage Banking (Volume-Based)
Beginnend bei $495.00Pro Monat
Our base pricing for Mortgage Banking customers is based on overall transaction volume across all services/transactions.
  • No monthly billing until your integration is LIVE
Healthcare (per Integration)
Beginnend bei $495.001 Integration Pro Monat
We offer a per-integration model for Healthcare as an affordable solution for companies looking for a versatile, rapidly deployable integration solution.
  • 100,000 messages per month, per integration
  • No monthly billing until integration is LIVE
Healthcare (by Transaction Volume)
Beginnend bei $1,500.00Pro Monat
For enterprise customers, we offer a pricing solution that combines the volume of all of your integrations into Transaction Tiers, and scales with you as you grow. This allows customers with a large number of integrations to benefit from grouping their volume together, instead of paying individually for each integration.
  • No monthly billing until your integration is LIVE

NetDirector Preise & Pläne

Preisinformationen für NetDirector werden vom Softwareanbieter bereitgestellt oder aus öffentlich zugänglichen Preisunterlagen abgerufen. Endgültige Kostenverhandlungen zum Kauf von NetDirector müssen mit dem Verkäufer geführt werden.

One-time Client Implementation fee and Trading Partner Implementation Fees apply.

Additional services such as Military Search, PACER Search, documents/images, and HealthData storage may have additional subscription fees - prices above are for reference only, and represent the base minimum transaction fees for integrations via NetDirector.

Preisinformationen wurden zuletzt am January 24, 2025 aktualisiert

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