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Follett Destiny Library Manager Bewertungen & Produktdetails

Raymond Y.
Media Specialist
Unternehmen mittlerer Größe(51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Was gefällt dir am besten Follett Destiny Library Manager?

The upsides of using Follett Destiny include the consintency of information. When cataloging new books manually, I can check the MARC records of other books in Destiny to find where to put certain tags that I might not remember off the top of my head (because I usually get shelf-ready). Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Follett Destiny Library Manager?

Destiny Library Manager has several areas that could use improvement. A more intuitive search function that recocnizes spelling errors and might offer a "Did you mean..." to accomodate ther error rather than having to go back and retype the entire search term again. This would be especially helpful when the library is busy and you have a line of students that are asking for you to look up books. I work in a Pre-K through 2nd Grade school so training them to search on their own doesn't work because they won't do it enough to remember it.

I'd like to see a change in the Library Search Search Results. When a book is marked as O of 1 available, I'd like to have an indication on the results page whether the book is marked as lost or checked out without having to click on it. This would save time when looking for books within a category for a student. Being able to go down the search results and tell a student which books are out and will be coming back in soon and which books are available without having to click into a title and back out again would be very helpful. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Follett Destiny Library Manager Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Library Manager helps me keep an acurate accounting of what books I have in my collection. I can see what is available and what is not available. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Antwort von Annie Doherty aus Follett Destiny Library Manager

Thank you for sharing your feedback on Follett Destiny Library Manager. We appreciate your positive comments about the consistency of information and how it helps with cataloging new books. We understand your concerns about the search function and the visibility of book availability in the search results. Your suggestions for improvements are valuable, and we will definitely pass this onto our product team to look into for future updates. Ensuring a user-friendly experience for both librarians and students is important to us. If you have any further suggestions or encounter any issues, please feel free to reach out to our support team. at 800.323.3397, option 2 or We are here to assist you and enhance your experience with Follett Destiny Library Manager.

Follett Destiny Library Manager Übersicht

Was ist Follett Destiny Library Manager?

Follett Destiny Library Manager ist eine Bibliotheksverwaltungssoftwarelösung, die entwickelt wurde, um die administrativen Aufgaben im Zusammenhang mit dem Schulressourcenmanagement zu optimieren. Diese Plattform bietet eine breite Palette von Funktionen, einschließlich Ausleihe, Katalogisierung, Bestandsverwaltung und Berichterstattung, was sie zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für Pädagogen und Bibliothekare macht, die ihre Bibliotheksoperationen verbessern möchten. Als Teil der Destiny Educator Platform nutzt die Software die einheitliche Navigation von Destiny, um nahtlose Übergänge über die Suite hinweg zu ermöglichen, und bietet Pädagogen eine einheitliche und optimierte Erfahrung für das effiziente Management aller Ressourcen des Schulbezirks, während sie Schulen dabei unterstützt, eine Kultur des Lesens und der Entdeckung unter den Schülern zu fördern. Follett Destiny Library Manager richtet sich in erster Linie an Bildungseinrichtungen der Klassen K-12 und unterstützt Bibliothekare, Lehrer und Administratoren bei der effizienten Verwaltung von Bibliotheksressourcen. Die benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche fördert das Engagement der Schüler mit Bibliotheksmaterialien und weckt die Liebe zum Lesen und Entdecken. Diese Zugänglichkeit schafft eine einladende Umgebung, in der Schüler leicht neue Ressourcen entdecken und ihre Lernhorizonte erweitern können. Die Software ist darauf ausgelegt, den einzigartigen Bedürfnissen von Bildungseinrichtungen gerecht zu werden und sicherzustellen, dass sowohl das Personal als auch die Schüler das System mühelos navigieren können. Eines der herausragenden Merkmale von Destiny Library Manager ist die Integration von Destiny AI, einem bahnbrechenden persönlichen Datenassistenten, der die Interaktion der Benutzer mit Bibliotheksdaten verbessert. Destiny AI befähigt Bibliothekare und Administratoren, komplexe Berichte zu erstellen, Nutzungsmuster zu analysieren und umsetzbare Erkenntnisse durch Abfragen in natürlicher Sprache zu erhalten. Destiny AI optimiert Entscheidungsprozesse und verbessert die betriebliche Effizienz, sodass Pädagogen sich mehr darauf konzentrieren können, das Engagement der Schüler zu fördern, anstatt sich in administrativen Aufgaben zu verlieren. Die Plattform umfasst auch ein intuitives Ausleihsystem, das die Prozesse des Ein- und Auscheckens vereinfacht, Zeit für das Bibliothekspersonal spart und das gesamte Benutzererlebnis für Schüler verbessert. Fortschrittliche Katalogisierungswerkzeuge ermöglichen es Bibliothekaren, Ressourcen effektiv zu organisieren und sicherzustellen, dass Schüler schnell die Materialien finden, die sie benötigen. Darüber hinaus hilft die Echtzeit-Bestandsverwaltung, Bibliotheksmaterialien zu verfolgen, genaue Aufzeichnungen zu führen und die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Verlusten zu verringern. Destiny Library Manager ist mit robusten Berichtsfunktionen ausgestattet, die Pädagogen befähigen, fundierte, datengestützte Entscheidungen bezüglich der Ressourcenallokation zu treffen. Die Software integriert sich nahtlos mit anderen Bildungstools und bietet eine einheitliche Erfahrung über Plattformen hinweg, was ihre Funktionalität weiter verbessert. Durch die Kombination wesentlicher administrativer Funktionen mit fortschrittlichen Innovationen wie Destiny AI und einem Fokus auf Benutzerengagement hebt Destiny Library Manager das Bibliotheksmanagement auf ein neues Niveau und trägt letztendlich zu einer reicheren Lernumgebung für Schüler bei.

Follett Destiny Library Manager Details
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Follett Destiny Library Manager ist eine Bibliotheksverwaltungssoftwarelösung, die entwickelt wurde, um die administrativen Aufgaben im Zusammenhang mit dem Schulressourcenmanagement zu optimieren. Diese Plattform bietet eine breite Palette von Funktionen, darunter Ausleihe, Katalogisierung, Bestandsverwaltung und Berichterstattung, was sie zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für Pädagogen und Bibliothekare macht, die ihre Bibliotheksabläufe verbessern möchten. Als Teil der Destiny Educator Platform nutzt die Software die einheitliche Navigation von Destiny, um nahtlose Übergänge über die Suite hinweg zu ermöglichen und Pädagogen eine einheitliche und optimierte Erfahrung bei der effizienten Verwaltung aller Bezirksressourcen zu bieten, während sie Schulen dabei unterstützt, eine Kultur des Lesens und der Entdeckung unter den Schülern zu fördern. Follett Destiny Library Manager unterstützt in erster Linie Bildungseinrichtungen von K-12 und hilft Bibliothekaren, Lehrern und Administratoren bei der effizienten Verwaltung von Bibliotheksressourcen. Die benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche fördert das Engagement der Schüler mit Bibliotheksmaterialien und weckt die Liebe zum Lesen und Entdecken. Diese Zugänglichkeit schafft eine einladende Umgebung, in der Schüler leicht neue Ressourcen entdecken und ihre Lernhorizonte erweitern können. Die Software ist darauf ausgelegt, den einzigartigen Bedürfnissen von Bildungseinrichtungen gerecht zu werden und sicherzustellen, dass sowohl das Personal als auch die Schüler das System problemlos navigieren können. Eines der herausragenden Merkmale des Destiny Library Manager ist die Integration von Destiny AI, einem bahnbrechenden persönlichen Datenassistenten, der die Interaktion der Benutzer mit Bibliotheksdaten verbessert. Destiny AI befähigt Bibliothekare und Administratoren, komplexe Berichte zu erstellen, Nutzungsmuster zu analysieren und umsetzbare Erkenntnisse durch Abfragen in natürlicher Sprache zu erhalten. Destiny AI optimiert Entscheidungsprozesse und verbessert die betriebliche Effizienz, sodass Pädagogen sich mehr auf die Förderung des Schülerengagements konzentrieren können, anstatt sich in administrativen Aufgaben zu verlieren. Die Plattform umfasst auch ein intuitives Ausleihsystem, das die Prozesse des Ein- und Auscheckens vereinfacht, Zeit für das Bibliothekspersonal spart und die Benutzererfahrung für Schüler verbessert. Fortschrittliche Katalogisierungswerkzeuge ermöglichen es Bibliothekaren, Ressourcen effektiv zu organisieren und sicherzustellen, dass Schüler schnell die Materialien finden können, die sie benötigen. Darüber hinaus hilft die Echtzeit-Bestandsverwaltung, Bibliotheksmaterialien zu verfolgen, genaue Aufzeichnungen zu führen und die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Verlusten zu verringern. Destiny Library Manager ist mit robusten Berichtsfunktionen ausgestattet, die Pädagogen in die Lage versetzen, fundierte, datengestützte Entscheidungen bezüglich der Ressourcenallokation zu treffen. Die Software integriert sich nahtlos mit anderen Bildungstools und bietet eine einheitliche Erfahrung über Plattformen hinweg, was ihre Funktionalität weiter verbessert. Durch die Kombination wesentlicher administrativer Funktionen mit fortschrittlichen Innovationen wie Destiny AI und einem Fokus auf Benutzerengagement hebt Destiny Library Manager das Bibliotheksmanagement auf ein neues Niveau und trägt letztendlich zu einer reicheren Lernumgebung für Schüler bei.

McHenry, IL
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Nerita H.
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Aktuelle Follett Destiny Library Manager Bewertungen

Kathryn N.
Kathryn N.Unternehmen mittlerer Größe (51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
5.0 von 5
"Follett Solutions is integral to our library operations"
Destiny Library Manager makes running my library possible. I love the efficiency of the reporting and the ease of use when onboarding new staff. I ...
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"The customer service is good"
It is user friendly, customer serve is good.
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Verifizierter BenutzerUnternehmen mittlerer Größe (51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
4.0 von 5
"Better for Schools than Specialty Libraries"
Once you have conquered cataloging, circulation, resource lists the system seems to work well.
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Follett Destiny Library Manager Medien

Follett Destiny Library Manager Demo - Follett Destiny Library Manager
Empower students and educators with our integrated library management system, where managing all print and digital resources is seamless.
Follett Destiny Library Manager Demo - Follett Destiny Library Manager
Destiny Library Manager, a leading software for libraries, simplifies administrative tasks while fostering a love of reading and discovery. Users enjoy a student-friendly interface and engaging experience as they explore and access exciting new resources.
Calling all K-12 librarians and educators! Meet Destiny AI, the cutting-edge data assistant in Destiny Library Manager designed to simplify your library management like never before.
Follett Destiny Library Manager Video abspielen
Calling all K-12 librarians and educators! Meet Destiny AI, the cutting-edge data assistant in Destiny Library Manager designed to simplify your library management like never before.
Discover how the Destiny AI can transform your data management experience! In this segment, Peter D'Orsi, Senior Product Manager, reveals its powerful features that allow you to ask questions in your own language!
Follett Destiny Library Manager Video abspielen
Discover how the Destiny AI can transform your data management experience! In this segment, Peter D'Orsi, Senior Product Manager, reveals its powerful features that allow you to ask questions in your own language!
Experience the power of real-time data interaction with the Destiny AI! Watch as Senior Product Manager, Peter D'Orsi, showcases how easy it is to ask questions and receive instant insights about your library's collection.
Follett Destiny Library Manager Video abspielen
Experience the power of real-time data interaction with the Destiny AI! Watch as Senior Product Manager, Peter D'Orsi, showcases how easy it is to ask questions and receive instant insights about your library's collection.

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390 von 391 Gesamtbewertungen für Follett Destiny Library Manager

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Ricardo Andrés O.
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Was gefällt dir am besten Follett Destiny Library Manager?

I love that it is such a friendly interface; All the modules of the software are intuitive and it actually helps a lot with the overall management of the library. Another point in favor is the good reception by the school's users, both students, teachers and employees in general. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Follett Destiny Library Manager?

I don't find anything negative about the tool itself, but I would really like an app in which everything related to searches and loan and return of materials could be done directly. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Follett Destiny Library Manager Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

The main problems that it helps me solve are those related to the inventory of books, access to accurate and timely information by users, library management and access to a large number of resources including the purchase of digital books, which I value a lot. The benefits are many, but mainly related to time, the ease of managing and entering the different modules, the type of information that is shared with users, the large amount of existing resources as well as the fast and timely support by part of the company's staff. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Antwort von Annie Doherty aus Follett Destiny Library Manager

Hi Ricardo! Thank you for sharing your positive experience with Follett Destiny Library Manager! We are thrilled to hear that you find the interface user-friendly and the software intuitive for library management. Your feedback about wanting a mobile app for easier access to library functions is noted and will be shared with our development team for consideration. We are glad to hear that the software has been beneficial in solving inventory, information access, and resource management challenges for you. We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to provide you with excellent service.

Jennifer D.
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Was gefällt dir am besten Follett Destiny Library Manager?

Follett Destiny Library Manager is easy to use and regularly maintained. Although it meets our needs out of the box, it is also flexible and allows our school library to store and use information as we need to, which is especially important because we use this product all day, every day. The catalog search functions are wonderful and save so much time. I especially like that this product integrates flawlessly with our preferred book vendor, Titlewave, to make collection development and analysis easy. There is free training available, and customer support is professional, quick to respond, and easy to reach. The product works flawlessly on both the Mac and Chromebook products we have on our campus. From behind-the-scenes library maintenance to the user-facing library catalog, Follett Destiny Library Manager gives us everything we need in a user-friendly package. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Follett Destiny Library Manager?

When compared to similar products I've used in other school libraries, Follett Destiny Library Manager is by far the best solution available. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Follett Destiny Library Manager Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Follett Destiny Library Manager gives us the behind-the-scenes maintenance capabilities we need to manage our school library collection and school library users. We can manage MARC records and inventory our collection with ease. It offers a user-facing catalog, which increases access to information for students and faculty both on and off campus. It integrates flawlessly with our preferred book vendor, Titlewave, to make collection development and analysis easy. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Antwort von Annie Doherty aus Follett Destiny Library Manager

Jennifer, thank you for your glowing review of Follett Destiny Library Manager! This review made our day! We're thrilled to hear that the product is meeting your needs and exceeding your expectations with its ease of use, flexibility, and seamless integration with Titlewave. We're delighted that the catalog search functions are saving you time and that our customer support team has been able to assist you promptly and professionally. We appreciate your feedback and are committed to providing you with continued support and maintenance to ensure your school library runs smoothly. Thank you for choosing Follett Destiny Library Manager to enhance your library experience!

Campus Librarian Media Specialist
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Was gefällt dir am besten Follett Destiny Library Manager?

Follett Destiny Library Manager is easy to use and has all of the needed information a librarian would need and use. I like that it remembers things I have typed and keeps settings I set. The report builder has more options that I sometimes think I need, but then a random something happens and I check...sure enough there is a report for that. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Follett Destiny Library Manager?

The one thing I have seen that has been a dislike for me is not being able to add a quantity on the Liberary View side of the manager. I have bags of headphones that teachers check in and out for testing purposes ($40 headphones with microphones and they have to be kept accounted for). Not all teachers need the same amount...I have a note set attached to the barcode on each bag, but the only way to put in the amount a teacher needed is to edit the note. I have seen a quantity typing option on iPads in our Resource View side. One other feature I do not like is that when students have a yearly photo uploaded into our Skyward manager system, Destiny does not update photos automatically. I have students in high school with their lower elementary photo listed. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Follett Destiny Library Manager Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

I begain with this product 3 years ago - it is what our district uses and it is all that I know. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Antwort von Annie Doherty aus Follett Destiny Library Manager

Thank you for sharing your feedback on Follett Destiny Library Manager! We're thrilled to hear that you find it easy to use and appreciate the comprehensive information it provides. We understand your concerns about not being able to add quantities on the Library View side and the issue with student photos not updating automatically. Your feedback is valuable, and we will pass it along to our development team for further review. In the meantime, if you need any assistance or have any other suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us at 800.323.3397, option 2 or We're here to help and ensure you have a positive experience with our product.

Leah L.
School Librarian
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Was gefällt dir am besten Follett Destiny Library Manager?

Basic functions (checking in/out, adding new books) are easy to use.

Destiny Discover is visually appealing to students and the easy to read in/out feature is helpful Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Follett Destiny Library Manager?

I use self checkout with older students. I have a simplified login that students use, but it is not specifically built for self checkout, so it is clunky. I would like an option specifically designed for self checkout, akin to what is available at my public library.

I also need the reports to integrate with the primary communication tool used by my district (ParentSquare) we are supposed to do all digital communication through that platform, but I cannot send reports through it, so I cannot.

I work in an elementary school. I would like the option to make the DEFAULT search in Destiny Discover BOOKS ONLY. Students are ENDLESSLY confused about ebooks showing up in results, thinking that means the book is in. I teach them about the symbols, but they still get confused everytime, especially the younger students. I wish the default was to search only for physical books and then they had to select if they wanted to include eBooks. There are ways to filter the results, but for young kids,any added steps, and they get confused. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Follett Destiny Library Manager Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Cataloging our collections and keeping track of circulations- this is necessary to my job.

It also allows students a way to search our collection. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Antwort von Annie Doherty aus Follett Destiny Library Manager

Hi Leah! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We appreciate your positive comments about the basic functions and the visually appealing Destiny Discover. We understand your concerns about the self-checkout process and the integration with ParentSquare, and appreciate all of these details. We will forward your suggestions to our development team for consideration.

K-6 School Librarian
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Was gefällt dir am besten Follett Destiny Library Manager?

I like being able to add copies easily by scanning the ISBN and adding a barcode and other basic info as needed. Also, the check-in and check-out process is simple and my students have learned how do this on their own and I typically only supervise that the entries clear. I love the forward facing library catalog that our school community can access anytime - it's very user friendly and visually appealing. As a new user, I've contacted customer support a few times and they are always helpful and quick to answer my questions. I use the platform every day. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Follett Destiny Library Manager?

So far, as a first year user, the only area I have difficulty navigating is the Report Manager. I hope to learn more over the next few months to better utilize this part of the program. It will be interesting to see how inventory goes, I'm sure I'll reach out to customer service in advance to ask their help in video training before I implement that process. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Follett Destiny Library Manager Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Follett Destiny Library Manager helps me quickly see what books are currently available in the collection. In addition, by subject or author search, I can more easily find gaps in the collection. The easiness of check-in and check-out allows my students to do this on their own with my supervision which helps them build confidence. This semester I will be teaching the students how to use the Destiny Discover to locate books and then how find them in the library. This helps build their problem solving and critical thinking skills. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Antwort von Annie Doherty aus Follett Destiny Library Manager

Thank you for your positive feedback on the ease of adding copies and the check-in/check-out process. We're sorry to hear about your difficulty with the Report Manager, but we're here to assist you in learning to navigate it more effectively. We have helpful customers resources (tutorials, customer boards, videos and more) that will be helpful on our Follett Software Community. You can find that all here: All you have to do is create login/profile (its free) and have access to all of this!

Please don't hesitate to contact our customer support for assistance as well. You can reach them at: 800.323.3397, option 2 or

Amy L.
Unternehmen(> 1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Was gefällt dir am besten Follett Destiny Library Manager?

It is fairly simple to use. It is easy to show someone how to use the basic features. I haven't had to contact customer support because we have sort of a protocol if we have problems. We had to limit and streamline the Admin side of it as our school district grew. It seems to be useful to other areas in our district as we have started using other features. I use it every day and think there is probably still things I can learn about Library Manager. I don't have anything to compare it to, but it works for what I need and is easy to understand. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Follett Destiny Library Manager?

There are many times I find myself saying, "I wish I could do..." when I'm doing things in Destiny. One of the concerns is separating refunds and fines. I send fine notices and refunds are included and that is confusing to parents. When using Resource Lists Collections I wish they were seamless when transferring information. I also wish Collections were more intuitive - tell me if I've already included a book in a collection so I don't have it 3 times. I also wish you could add to Collections from Back Office. When I try to go between the 2 I get signed out and it is frustrating. When a book is deleted from my catalog it should automatically be removed from Collections. These are good products, but they don't work well together. It adds more work.

Destiny Discover should be better integrated with Library Manager. It feels like a good product and is user friendly for students (most of the time), but it can't be managed in Library Manager. I would like to update Destiny Discover in Library Manager. There are times it doesn't feel like Destiny Discover works as well as Library Manager. It feels like it was introduced then kind of had the ball dropped to continue to make it better. They feel like 2 separate products, but Destiny Discover doesn't work for the students if I can't manage it better and I don't have time to go into Destiny Discover. I can't even have them both open because I will get signed out of one or both as I'm trying to work.

I also do not like that I have to go make suggestions on things for Destiny and then have to vote on other people's ideas for them to get noticed. Who has time to go read those? There should be a more direct way to use customer support for things like this.

I also don't feel that using the "help" in Library Manager is useful. It directs you to a "manual", but I don't always understand it. I would rather have a live chat to get immediate help. I also am not ever sure if I'm searching the correct terms to find what I need. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Follett Destiny Library Manager Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

A place to house my collection and access it. A place for students to see what we have in our collection. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Antwort von Annie Doherty aus Follett Destiny Library Manager

Thank you for your detailed feedback on your experience with Follett Destiny Library Manager. We appreciate your positive comments about its ease of use and usefulness within your school district.

We understand your concerns about certain limitations and challenges you face while using the system, such as the need for better integration between Destiny Discover and Library Manager, as well as the issues with managing Collections and refunds. This is a big area of focus for our team right now, and I will pass along your suggestions to them right away.

We strive to continuously improve our products and services to better meet the needs of our users. If you would like further assistance or have additional feedback, please feel free to reach out to me at We are here to help and ensure your experience with Follett Destiny Library Manager is as smooth as possible.

Elizabeth P.
District Librarian
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Was gefällt dir am besten Follett Destiny Library Manager?

As a district librarian, I appreciate the global capabilities that can align all of the schools in my district. I like the ease of use. Overall, I have had great customer service experiences, as well. As a tool that we use daily, it is a common language that we can all share. The business office staff likes that thet can use the various features to do things like assign fines for most of the departments in the district. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Follett Destiny Library Manager?

With the changes at Follett and the split between content and software, there is a noticable difference in the support aspect. For the price, I am aware the many districts in my state are seeking alternatives and choosing to use other library management software. I am sure that we are not too far behind, especially since adding something like Resource Manager would be something that most district cannot afford. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Follett Destiny Library Manager Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

We are using it to assess fines, which is helpful because we don't have an alternative, but also, LM makes is making that feature more and more difficult, in an effort, it seems to get organizations to also purchase Resource Manager. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Antwort von Annie Doherty aus Follett Destiny Library Manager

Thank you for sharing your positive experiences with Follett Destiny Library Manager. We're delighted to hear that you appreciate the global capabilities, ease of use, and the customer service we provide. We understand your concerns about the changes and the impact on support. We value your feedback and are continuously working to improve our services. I'd love to chat more with you on this as well. Please reach out to me at my email: I would love to connect with you to address any specific issues you are facing and explore how we can enhance your experience with our software. Please feel free to reach out to our support team so we can assist you further. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we are committed to ensuring that Follett Destiny Library Manager continues to meet your needs effectively. Thank you for your feedback.

YVy N.
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Was gefällt dir am besten Follett Destiny Library Manager?

Follett Destiny Library Manager (FDLM) is very user friendly for me - as a school librarian - to perform cataloguing, daily circulation and inventory tasks. Another bonus for FDLM is its capability in producing well-detailed reports and resource management. Both staff and students in my institution can easily get the access to the system to suit their needs. To be frank, FDLM enhances the library experience in our school library. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Follett Destiny Library Manager?

Initial steps are a bit complicated, it can take some training for new users. Interface updates are not as regular as we might hope, and the interface almost feels retro by comparison to current solutions. Budgetary concerns and licensing cost are a potential issue for smaller institutions. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Follett Destiny Library Manager Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

FDLM supports our library in streamlining operations through available cataloging, daily circulation and inventory management helping to eliminate staff errors and save time. It solves our library's issue of resource tracking, if there was a book being misplaced or how would the librarian know who is using what. This is how our library benefits from it, which is increased productivity cut into admin burden and organized that in turn enables educational success, especially towards the library. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Antwort von Annie Doherty aus Follett Destiny Library Manager

We're pleased to hear that Follett Destiny Library Manager has enhanced the library experience at your school. We understand the importance of user training and interface updates, and we'll take your feedback into consideration for future improvements. We appreciate your insight on the budgetary concerns, and we continuously work to provide flexible and cost-effective solutions for institutions of all sizes.

Michael B.
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Was gefällt dir am besten Follett Destiny Library Manager?

As a first time librarian with no previous exposure to library software, I was concerned with how not knowing how things work. Destiny Library Manager is very simple to use, but can do so much! I've only scratched the surface of all it offers, but I was able to get the basics down quickly with no formal training other that the video series that Follett offers. I also like how I can track books, students (patrons), and other materials from previous years without having to consult an outside source. I also like the access to Destiny Discover as it gives me confidence while I learn my library. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Follett Destiny Library Manager?

I am not a fan of the newest updates. They look really nice, but it does slow down my access and sometimes it freezes entirely and automatically reverts to the older system. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Follett Destiny Library Manager Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

It makes the tracking of materials available conveniently located and easy to find. I'm also able to see live numbers of how the library is being used. I would need an entire staff to handle what this system does. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Antwort von Annie Doherty aus Follett Destiny Library Manager

Thank you for sharing your positive experience with Follett Destiny Library Manager! We're thrilled to hear that you find the system easy to use and appreciate its capabilities. We understand your concerns about the newest updates causing some slowdowns and glitches. Our team is continuously working to improve the system's performance, and we appreciate your feedback. If you encounter any further issues or have suggestions for improvement, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team: 800.323.3397, option 2 or We're here to assist you and ensure you have a smooth experience with Destiny Library Manager!

Carolyn Q.
Kleinunternehmen(50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Was gefällt dir am besten Follett Destiny Library Manager?

Follett Destiny Library Manager reassures its users how to use the program in such a way it makes sense and it's not a guessing game to get the answers needed to feel successful.

The staff on-call is ready to assist, even to the point they show you what to click on to get the information needed. There are many online workshops for beginners. Customer Support is available whenever or however you need more information. This program was designed for its users to feel successful and know there are answers to every situation. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Follett Destiny Library Manager?

The downfalls of using Follett Destiny might be self navigating and getting frustrated with the program before making a phone call or reaching online for additional help. Follett Destiny staff that will set up a time to sit down and go through what struggles are being faced. They are very knowledgeable and willing to guide librarians through the process of finding what is needed to feel confident and have a better understanding on how the software works. I was pleased to find out what free sites are available on their webpage to get all the information needed to feel successful. Customer support is there and is willing to direct or answer questions about their software and how to navigate easier to feel successful. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Follett Destiny Library Manager Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

I needed to know how to process new library books to be included on our shelves for students. I also wanted to know about workshops that are offered for beginner users and not feel overwhelmed. I had questions about getting over-due books summary for teachers as well as parents. Does this program include fees for books that can't be found or are damaged beyond repair? That's what Follett Destiny does so well, and that's to educate its users a safe and easy way to answer questions. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

Antwort von Annie Doherty aus Follett Destiny Library Manager

Thank you for sharing your feedback that you find our program user-friendly and appreciate the support provided by our staff. We understand the importance of feeling confident and successful in your role as a librarian.

We apologize for any frustrations you may have encountered while navigating the program. We will certainly look into improving the self-navigation aspect and ensuring a smoother experience for all users. If you have any further questions or need assistance with processing new library books, accessing workshops, or generating overdue book summaries, please don't hesistate to reach out to our team at: at 800.323.3397, option 2 or And make sure to visit our resources for DLM on our Follett Software Community at: