Top-bewertete ACTIVEWorks for Parks & Recreation Alternativen

Tonnen von Tutorials, sodass Sie immer nachschlagen können, wie man etwas macht, wenn Sie es nicht wissen. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
Sie zahlen viel für ein langsames, kompliziertes und funktionsarmes Programm. Die Eingabe von Informationen kann ewig dauern und es gibt keine Möglichkeit, den Prozess zu beschleunigen, die Schulung neuer Mitarbeiter ist mühsam, und einige der Funktionen sind immer noch unglaublich veraltet. Es gibt auch keine kostenlose Testversion, sodass Sie die Software nicht ausprobieren können, sondern bezahlen müssen, um herauszufinden, dass sie Ihnen nicht gefällt. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
12 von 13 Gesamtbewertungen für ACTIVEWorks for Parks & Recreation

I like how the main screen that I use the most (scan pass) is very easy to locate and revert back to when completing other work on Active Net. When members scan their passes, their picture, name, and all other valid information comes up quickly and clearly, so there is no confusion. I really enjoy how easy it is to process payment via Active Net and I also enjoy the updates they've made in our "Day Pass" category to allow for ease of use. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
It is very difficult to become acquainted with, and it took be a very long time to feel somewhat proficient at using Active Net. The tabs and options are not clear and can be very hard to find on the page. Nothing is very clear, and you have to learn how to do most things through trail and error. Sometimes, one mistake means you have to start over completely which can be incredibly disheartening. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
Active net has been a wonderful asset to my team, whiie keeping all our guest's reservations in one place. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
I dislike the overall design of the software, it looks like something out of 2003. It could definitely update its overall look. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
ActiveNet was described to me as "Like Amazon, but for program registration" and I concur with that statement! It was very easy to add programs, manage programs, track registrations, print rosters and just take the hassle out of managing this portion of our organization's programming. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
There really wasn't any major areas that I disliked. I enjoyed as an end user pretty much all the features. Some of the terminology was difficult to decipher when you had a complicated registration piece (ex. an early bird discount that ran out on X day, while also calculating sibling discounts, youth discounts, etc.) but otherwise no major problems! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
I have good experience working with this solution. I like many aspects of this platform. I especially like the possibility of mass mailing, for example, when I want to send Christmas wishes to many people or send any information. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
Generally, this solution is helpful, but I don' t like the interface of this product. In my opinion, it's not very friendly, but I also think that this isn't a big problem. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
Well set up site to stay in the loop for an active lifestyle Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
ability to have subscription discount based upon health insurance Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
It is pretty user friendly once you complete a training. Gives you the ability to create reservations in multiples ways and look up past customers as well as easily add buttons for POS. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
I wish it had the ability to easily add rental equipment and manage gear for gear libraries. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
Active stores all of our information and is the software we use to sign people up for programs, rent rooms in our facility, and create pool memberships. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
I don't like how an automatic receipt is sent to the user's email that makes them log in to view it. I also wish Active had an easier way to set up schedules on leagues. The fee for the surcharge is not cheap and when we refund someone if a class was cancelled, we have to then pay them the surcharge back out of our pocket and Active still keeps the profit of us using the software. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
The Active Network programs allow me to create material that bring team engagement to an all time high. The Active Network allows you to group work and have staff interact hands on with the technology. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
The Active tool bars are a little difficult to navigate and the interface can be difficult if you are not as experienced with technology. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
That is is web based and easy to learn yet very in depth with options for getting options setup. I have been using this software on an off for the past 15 years and I love how it has gotten easier to use over the years. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.
Relies heavily on a different reporting structue that needs dedicated time to manage and understand.The current version we have is not accessible via a cellphone but would be nice to has an app verison to gain access as needed. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.