Best Software for 2025 is now live!
Javed A.
IFS Technical Consultant / Oracle PLSQL

IFS Centralized Distribution Tool (ICDT)

Why we need this tool? There is no centralized deployment process in IFS to deploy releases to all servers. The following task must be performed manually to install a tiny release. • Login & Copy release on each server from release location. • Install releases manually to all servers e.g. (onshore, offshore(n)). • Electronically sign the deployment manifest files for the host you use. • Verify that the user can start the client as an end user. Solution: • GUI designed to support centralized deployment. • Batch script designed to check connectivity of all sites opted to deploy. • Batch script designed to copy and install releases on all sites opted to install. Benefits: • Minimized manual efforts required for copying and installing release. • Support all environment e.g. (Development, Preproduction, Production). • Support installation from multiple sources e.g. (VDI, Locally, Individual RDP) • Deployment can be done on one or multiple sites at once from single place. • Installer will receive verification link to verify installation.
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Javed A.
IFS Technical Consultant / Oracle PLSQL
Dies kann durch Batch-Programmierung, VBA und den Windows-Planer erreicht werden. Kein weiteres Werkzeug erforderlich.
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