Ich liebe es, Inhalte auf mehreren Geräten durchsuchen zu können.
Interface could be slightly more streamlined
it makes it so easy to search and give enough options to help you on your search. I like all the optional finds it has it really helps me to better understand what i am looking for. I believe this should be a product that everyone uses. it would help others...
Mangel an Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, Beschränkung der maximalen API-/Abfrageaufrufe pro Tag und Werbung
Ich liebe es, Inhalte auf mehreren Geräten durchsuchen zu können.
it makes it so easy to search and give enough options to help you on your search. I like all the optional finds it has it really helps me to better understand what i am looking for. I believe this should be a product that everyone uses. it would help others...
Interface could be slightly more streamlined
Mangel an Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, Beschränkung der maximalen API-/Abfrageaufrufe pro Tag und Werbung