Bei der Bewertung der beiden Lösungen fanden Rezensenten Cloudflare SSE & SASE Platform einfacher zu verwenden, einzurichten und zu verwalten. Rezensenten bevorzugten es insgesamt, Geschäfte mit Cloudflare SSE & SASE Platform zu machen.
Kurze Implementierung, großartiges Dashboard, das es Ihnen ermöglicht, leicht zu sehen, wie Phishing-Angriffe blockiert werden. Das Preismodell ist einleuchtend, da Sie nur pro abgefangenem Phishing-Angriff bis zur vertraglichen Obergrenze zahlen. Es war...
Blocks essential websites, so it needs to be turned off very frequently. Also a lot of times the icon disappears so you're stuck between a rock and a hard place unable to access the website needed and unable to turn off the overprotective cloudflare.
Mimecast's offering has a solution for just about any need. There is a vast number of configuration options available to make this fit your organization. What really sets them apart is their top notch support. When you have a question or need configuration...
Mimecast have slipped behind the curve on phishing detection
Kurze Implementierung, großartiges Dashboard, das es Ihnen ermöglicht, leicht zu sehen, wie Phishing-Angriffe blockiert werden. Das Preismodell ist einleuchtend, da Sie nur pro abgefangenem Phishing-Angriff bis zur vertraglichen Obergrenze zahlen. Es war...
Mimecast's offering has a solution for just about any need. There is a vast number of configuration options available to make this fit your organization. What really sets them apart is their top notch support. When you have a question or need configuration...
Blocks essential websites, so it needs to be turned off very frequently. Also a lot of times the icon disappears so you're stuck between a rock and a hard place unable to access the website needed and unable to turn off the overprotective cloudflare.
Mimecast have slipped behind the curve on phishing detection