Industrielle IoT-Software Ressourcen
Artikel, Glossarbegriffe, Diskussionen, und Berichte, um Ihr Wissen über Industrielle IoT-Software zu erweitern
Ressourcenseiten sind darauf ausgelegt, Ihnen einen Querschnitt der Informationen zu bieten, die wir zu spezifischen Kategorien haben. Sie finden Artikel von unseren Experten, Funktionsdefinitionen, Diskussionen von Benutzern wie Ihnen, und Berichte aus Branchendaten.
Industrielle IoT-Software Artikel
What Is a Cobot? New Age of Automation and Collaboration
Job-stealing robots are the worst nightmare for most workers. But not all robots are out to steal your job.
von Piper Thomson
What Is Predictive Maintenance? Benefits and Technologies
Any alarming sound from your machinery may also be alarming for your bank account.
von Harshita Tewari
2021 Trends in E-Commerce and Industry 4.0
This post is part of G2's 2021 digital trends series. Read more about G2’s perspective on digital transformation trends in an introduction from Michael Fauscette, G2's chief research officer and Tom Pringle, VP, market research, and additional coverage on trends identified by G2’s analysts.
von Gabriel Gheorghiu
How Industry 4.0 Will Change Project Management
Project management software and methodologies are a form of automation that has been used in business for nearly 50 years. New technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) have the potential to automate project management—but, how far will they go?
von Gabriel Gheorghiu
How Will the Fourth Industrial Revolution Impact Remote Work?
When we think about remote work, we usually imagine employees performing the same tasks they complete in the office at home. This means that anyone who works in a physical environment such as a warehouse, manufacturing facility, or retail store cannot work remotely.
von Gabriel Gheorghiu
How Project-Based Software Helps Companies
Most tasks we do at work are either process or project-based. Processes are made of repetitive tasks that we do repeatedly, with little to no variation. Project work can vary significantly from one project to another and can change based on internal or customer requirements.
von Gabriel Gheorghiu
How SMBs Can Benefit from Industry 4.0
Most Industry 4.0 success stories mention large multinational companies such as GE or ABB.
von Gabriel Gheorghiu
The Pros and Cons of Different Automation Types
The concept of automation is straightforward: create tools that perform tasks with minimal human involvement. And the motivation for more automation is simple: Companies can do more with less. “More” means companies can sell and deliver a higher volume of products and services than ever before. “Less” refers to the fact that, thanks to automation, fewer resources are required.
von Gabriel Gheorghiu
The G2 on Industry 4.0: Understanding Industrial Revolution on a Global Scale
If you work in manufacturing or supply chain, you’ve probably heard of Industry 4.0. While the term may be used together with buzzwords like digital transformation, interconnectivity, or end-to-end value chain, Industry 4.0 refers to a new industrial revolution.
von Gabriel Gheorghiu
How Business Digital Transformation Works In The Real World
Business digital transformation is a buzzword that is misused and not completely clear. For instance, the Wikipedia definition is incomplete and vague: “Digital Transformation (DT) is the use of new, fast-changing digital technology to solve problems often utilizing cloud computing, reducing reliance on user-owned hardware but increasing reliance on subscription-based cloud services.”
von Gabriel Gheorghiu
Industrielle IoT-Software Glossarbegriffe
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Industrielle IoT-Software Diskussionen
Frage zu: Samsara
How much does Samsara cost per month?How much does Samsara cost per month?
33,00 pro Monat, aber Sie müssen eine einmalige Anmeldegebühr von 99,99 zahlen.
Frage zu: Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform
How do I use Plex ERP?How do I use Plex ERP?
Danke für Ihre Frage. Plex ERP ist ein einheitliches System, das es Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihre Finanz-, Betriebs- und IT-Strategien an einem Ort zu verwalten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Plex-Kundensupport unter (855) 534-8012 für Fragen zur Unterstützung von Plex-Produkten und (855) 534-8012, um mit einem Mitglied unseres Vertriebsteams zu sprechen.
Frage zu: Tulip
What is tulip in manufacturing?What is tulip in manufacturing?
Tulip ist eine Software, die zur Erstellung interner Apps für Bediener und Manager verwendet wird. Sie kann die Maschinenlaufzeit überwachen, Messungen von Werkzeugen automatisch aufzeichnen, Bestände verwalten... sie kann viel. Ich nutze sie, um Arbeitsaufträge zu verfolgen, und wir arbeiten daran, unsere Betriebsanweisungen in PDF-Form zu integrieren, damit unsere Bediener ihre Arbeitsanweisungen auf Tablets sehen können.
Industrielle IoT-Software Berichte
Grid® Report for Industrial IoT
Winter 2025
G2-Bericht: Grid® Report
Grid® Report for Industrial IoT
Fall 2024
G2-Bericht: Grid® Report
Grid® Report for Industrial IoT
Summer 2024
G2-Bericht: Grid® Report