All financial information, news, analysis, details available at one place
Company directory is somewhat complicated to navigate
It helps company analyze their financial performance. You can access real time dashboard.You can set up alerts to get emails. You can drill in to get the detail insight of data.
The user interface is not very good. Outdated, hard to navigate and learn how to use. Often got many errors when it came to screeners. Another downfall is the private company information. Not updated often, hard to find, contacts are very out of date.
All financial information, news, analysis, details available at one place
It helps company analyze their financial performance. You can access real time dashboard.You can set up alerts to get emails. You can drill in to get the detail insight of data.
Company directory is somewhat complicated to navigate
The user interface is not very good. Outdated, hard to navigate and learn how to use. Often got many errors when it came to screeners. Another downfall is the private company information. Not updated often, hard to find, contacts are very out of date.