Poloniex has a great reputation, is a crypto-crypto exchange platform, offers more than 100 altcoins to trade 5 base currencies, the fees it charges decrease as the trader increases the volume of his trades, stores the funds of his users offline in a cold...
The bad part of Poloniex is that it has been hacked severely back in 2014, so there is always that question of trust within the platform. But also that it seems to be a hub for pump and dump culture which is not a good thing in the crypto space. This means...
I have used the platform since Janruary. I made the switch with particular assets that would be no longer tradeable on my previous platform. I have made large transactions, both deposits, and withdrawals on several occasions. I have a weekly reoccurring...
I deposited Ethereum with them and haven’t since been able to move it to another external wallet. I can’t sell it and withdraw to my bank account or even send it back to my Coinbase wallet. It’s simply locked and when I reached out to support, they said...
Poloniex has a great reputation, is a crypto-crypto exchange platform, offers more than 100 altcoins to trade 5 base currencies, the fees it charges decrease as the trader increases the volume of his trades, stores the funds of his users offline in a cold...
I have used the platform since Janruary. I made the switch with particular assets that would be no longer tradeable on my previous platform. I have made large transactions, both deposits, and withdrawals on several occasions. I have a weekly reoccurring...
The bad part of Poloniex is that it has been hacked severely back in 2014, so there is always that question of trust within the platform. But also that it seems to be a hub for pump and dump culture which is not a good thing in the crypto space. This means...
I deposited Ethereum with them and haven’t since been able to move it to another external wallet. I can’t sell it and withdraw to my bank account or even send it back to my Coinbase wallet. It’s simply locked and when I reached out to support, they said...