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Antony H.
Gerente líder de equipe en Movistar Negocios MX

Como hacer para verificar Uphold

Con mi cuenta de Uphold me costo mucho para la verificación de mis documentos, se podrá encontrar una forma mas fácil de poder verificar mis documentos sin tantos inconvenientes a la hora de subirlos a la pagina?
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Merry S.
Sales And Marketing Specialist at Pret A Manger
also you can use the phone application it is quick and easy
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Antony H.
Gerente líder de equipe en Movistar Negocios MX
To verify this processor quickly, you need to upload a photo of your identity card or a clear photo of your passport. Additionally, Uphold will ask for a profile photo of you, which you must also send, and if everything is legal, they will verify you quickly and securely!
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