LibreCAD es una herramienta multiplataforma basada en funciones paramétricas de modelado 3D para CAD, dirigido directamente a la ingeniería mecánica y diseño de productos, pero también se ajusta a una amplia gama de usos en la ingeniería, como la...
This is a solid product, I don’t have any strong dislikes
This feels more flexible than autocad in some features. This is very customizable according to the requirement.And this has a great technical support team.
The biggest issue is with the license not being transferrable from your old to new computer. Another con is the slowness when rendering certain layouts, probably due to single thread CPU usage.
LibreCAD es una herramienta multiplataforma basada en funciones paramétricas de modelado 3D para CAD, dirigido directamente a la ingeniería mecánica y diseño de productos, pero también se ajusta a una amplia gama de usos en la ingeniería, como la...
This feels more flexible than autocad in some features. This is very customizable according to the requirement.And this has a great technical support team.
This is a solid product, I don’t have any strong dislikes
The biggest issue is with the license not being transferrable from your old to new computer. Another con is the slowness when rendering certain layouts, probably due to single thread CPU usage.