For someone comfortable with legal searches using commands like /p or /25, Lexis Nexis is a better search engine that enables you to search more precisely and narrow down your findings faster. I also find Sheppards more reliable than Westlaw's KeyCite and...
there are some resources that are simply unavailable on Lexis, e.g., McCarthy on Trademarks. This is often very frustrating because I like starting my legal research with secondary sources, particularly if a partner tells me to use McCarthy's but it is...
Westlaw has a usable interface, with its colors and subtabs making categories and subcategories easy to find. Their cases are automatically listed in order of most relevant and cited, versus other leading research brands which simply list the cases in...
The search feature is not always consistent. I wish there were more options to refine a search, and more choices to sort and save the data which comes back from a query.
For someone comfortable with legal searches using commands like /p or /25, Lexis Nexis is a better search engine that enables you to search more precisely and narrow down your findings faster. I also find Sheppards more reliable than Westlaw's KeyCite and...
Westlaw has a usable interface, with its colors and subtabs making categories and subcategories easy to find. Their cases are automatically listed in order of most relevant and cited, versus other leading research brands which simply list the cases in...
there are some resources that are simply unavailable on Lexis, e.g., McCarthy on Trademarks. This is often very frustrating because I like starting my legal research with secondary sources, particularly if a partner tells me to use McCarthy's but it is...
The search feature is not always consistent. I wish there were more options to refine a search, and more choices to sort and save the data which comes back from a query.