GoToWebinar is one of those software for webinars that is extremely user friendly and offers the basic needs in organizing a successful webinar. I've used it to train more than 1000 people remotely, from all over the world. Their support program is...
A lot - first and foremost is the support. truly horrendous. The webinar tools are also dated and clunky and we kept having issues...and the scripted support was no help.
Gebruiksvriendelijk & goede prijskwaliteit.
- next to no capabilities to accommodate webinars on demand, which unfortunately is what we were looking for
GoToWebinar is one of those software for webinars that is extremely user friendly and offers the basic needs in organizing a successful webinar. I've used it to train more than 1000 people remotely, from all over the world. Their support program is...
Gebruiksvriendelijk & goede prijskwaliteit.
A lot - first and foremost is the support. truly horrendous. The webinar tools are also dated and clunky and we kept having issues...and the scripted support was no help.
- next to no capabilities to accommodate webinars on demand, which unfortunately is what we were looking for