The best feature of CouchDB is it's simplicity and use of familiar technology and concepts: - A RESTful API means I can use any language to access it (even using shell and curl). - It plays well in the HTTP-based world with things like proxy servers,...
CouchDB is lacking in other features when compared to alternative document databases like MongoDB. No document-based security options, no backend tools or connectors, no builtin support for other platforms. Moreover, there is substantially less...
The query language is amazing compared to other NoSQL query languages. I have only used MongoDB and Redis and compared to MongoDB, the query language is absolutely superb.
RethinkDB is still quite slow for many operations. I know a Swiss start-up that switched from RethinkDB to PostgreSQL because of performance issues. These problems could be fixed in the future but if you need good performance right now at the very least do...
The best feature of CouchDB is it's simplicity and use of familiar technology and concepts: - A RESTful API means I can use any language to access it (even using shell and curl). - It plays well in the HTTP-based world with things like proxy servers,...
The query language is amazing compared to other NoSQL query languages. I have only used MongoDB and Redis and compared to MongoDB, the query language is absolutely superb.
CouchDB is lacking in other features when compared to alternative document databases like MongoDB. No document-based security options, no backend tools or connectors, no builtin support for other platforms. Moreover, there is substantially less...
RethinkDB is still quite slow for many operations. I know a Swiss start-up that switched from RethinkDB to PostgreSQL because of performance issues. These problems could be fixed in the future but if you need good performance right now at the very least do...