The best feature of CouchDB is it's simplicity and use of familiar technology and concepts: - A RESTful API means I can use any language to access it (even using shell and curl). - It plays well in the HTTP-based world with things like proxy servers,...
CouchDB use your all disk if you do not be careful. You index system could be dangerous and freeze you system.
- Ease of use - Easy to become productive - Easy indexing - Easy to install - Query language - Easy to scale - I was able to implement a polyglot solution combining MongoDB and Neo4j, a graphdb. The architecture has not fundamentally changed since...
Quite a new thing it is for me, so I get stuck with few syntax and semantics and that troubled me. Apart from it so far learning in MongoDB is giving me plaesure.
The best feature of CouchDB is it's simplicity and use of familiar technology and concepts: - A RESTful API means I can use any language to access it (even using shell and curl). - It plays well in the HTTP-based world with things like proxy servers,...
- Ease of use - Easy to become productive - Easy indexing - Easy to install - Query language - Easy to scale - I was able to implement a polyglot solution combining MongoDB and Neo4j, a graphdb. The architecture has not fundamentally changed since...
CouchDB use your all disk if you do not be careful. You index system could be dangerous and freeze you system.
Quite a new thing it is for me, so I get stuck with few syntax and semantics and that troubled me. Apart from it so far learning in MongoDB is giving me plaesure.