Ability to track the analytics in real-time, and the speed of the media uploads. It's extremely important during active weather.
The default contentful long text editor is very limited, it forces us too integrated some application like tinyMCE which is paid
Flexibility, great functionality to add custom fields. Matrix field is amazing. Beautiful mark up with twig. Documentation is easy to read and there's tons of great examples. Tons of great people on the stack exchange that respond to your questions in just...
Not very robust if you want to add new features such as videos and requiring sub headers when you don't want any.
Ability to track the analytics in real-time, and the speed of the media uploads. It's extremely important during active weather.
Flexibility, great functionality to add custom fields. Matrix field is amazing. Beautiful mark up with twig. Documentation is easy to read and there's tons of great examples. Tons of great people on the stack exchange that respond to your questions in just...
The default contentful long text editor is very limited, it forces us too integrated some application like tinyMCE which is paid
Not very robust if you want to add new features such as videos and requiring sub headers when you don't want any.