CosmosDB is really fast and easy to track the items since it's a simple JSON that you can manipulate in any language or use any format you want (obviously that is JSON valid), so that is really useful if you're developing microservices for example. Also, it...
Lacks specialisation. Not everyone needs multiple models and a global database
Easy to install and administrate (Azure Portal) Extremely porwerful distributed DB solution (for cache but not only)
Still didn't figure out how to add monitoring to it
CosmosDB is really fast and easy to track the items since it's a simple JSON that you can manipulate in any language or use any format you want (obviously that is JSON valid), so that is really useful if you're developing microservices for example. Also, it...
Easy to install and administrate (Azure Portal) Extremely porwerful distributed DB solution (for cache but not only)
Lacks specialisation. Not everyone needs multiple models and a global database
Still didn't figure out how to add monitoring to it