The CAD interface is excellent, and meshing is accurate and fast. The geometry selection for load application and boundary conditions is easy to select.
Although it has capability to couple Ansys mechanical with it's other productc but the procedure is bit lengthy and becomes further confusing to update variables or boundary conditions or initial conditions when any changes are made to either of the...
It shows warpage and cause of warpage so we can find out solution.
Fill pressure accuracy is Missing by a longshot
The CAD interface is excellent, and meshing is accurate and fast. The geometry selection for load application and boundary conditions is easy to select.
It shows warpage and cause of warpage so we can find out solution.
Although it has capability to couple Ansys mechanical with it's other productc but the procedure is bit lengthy and becomes further confusing to update variables or boundary conditions or initial conditions when any changes are made to either of the...
Fill pressure accuracy is Missing by a longshot