The features that make me fell in love with angular. 1. It has a well defined folder structure with seggregated folders for your html, css, and typescript. 2. It uses typescript which actually reduce a lot of bug in your project. 3. Angular is not...
Icons and the colouring. It doesn't do self explain. Too bright coloured icons are in dark theme.
The best part of the underscore.js is the collection helper functions and underscore.string functions which can be used in almost all projects.
This product should have the capacity to deploy part of the tools, rather than the product, as a whole.
The features that make me fell in love with angular. 1. It has a well defined folder structure with seggregated folders for your html, css, and typescript. 2. It uses typescript which actually reduce a lot of bug in your project. 3. Angular is not...
The best part of the underscore.js is the collection helper functions and underscore.string functions which can be used in almost all projects.
Icons and the colouring. It doesn't do self explain. Too bright coloured icons are in dark theme.
This product should have the capacity to deploy part of the tools, rather than the product, as a whole.