I really like using play framework from lightbend
Integration is not easy. Need to check the whole documentation. we spent a lot of time integrating it into our backend. Only two languages are supported. Even AKKA is open-source there's no much choice. Want to see AKKA implementations on .Net or Node js
"hazelcast/management-center" docker Image, and now Hazelcast Jet is amazing
quizá al principio sea un poco complicado, pero en cuando se le coge el truco es de lo más útil
I really like using play framework from lightbend
"hazelcast/management-center" docker Image, and now Hazelcast Jet is amazing
Integration is not easy. Need to check the whole documentation. we spent a lot of time integrating it into our backend. Only two languages are supported. Even AKKA is open-source there's no much choice. Want to see AKKA implementations on .Net or Node js
quizá al principio sea un poco complicado, pero en cuando se le coge el truco es de lo más útil