Property & Casualty Insurance Agency Management Software Resources
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Property & Casualty Insurance Agency Management Software Discussions
Question on: Applied Epic
What is the best way to implement Best Practices for reports on renewal and new business retention?We really need to track our new business and renewal retention and would like any help you may have on this issue!
If you forward to me your email address I can send to you the Criteria that I use for both.
Renewal Manager, is a great asset
Question on: Applied Epic
Accounting - Does your agency reconcile direct bill commission statements??
Certainly! Please provide the text in the Unknown Language that you would like me to translate into English.
We changed to recording direct bill rather than reconciling about two years ago. It has been much more efficient for our accounting department. We have set up reports to catch any policies that don't make our statements as our check and balance.
We used to; but changed over 10 years ago to recording direct bill only. We found that the carriers make very few mistakes on commission payments. Less than our staff does when invoicing direct bill. We run a direct bill transaction report after a statement is entered to make sure the statement balances to the transactions entered.
The text is already in English.
Question on: Applied Epic
Is there a way to add taxes and fees so that it carries over into the invoicing section??
Taxes and fees are processed as transactions to a policy. You can add custom transactions in Configure>Accounting>Transaction Codes.
You can't set a standard fee/ tax that will always carry over into an invoice if that is what you are looking for. In our system we have CTAX - Company Tax and CFEE - Company Fee that are transaction codes that we add to the transaction for those items.
It is an invoice line item as any separate charge. However, if you are referring to surplus lines tax that the AGENCY is responsible for collecting, filing and paying, you can set it up as a government tax in configuration, which is usually a percentage of the premiums and fees and then you assign the tax to the premiums and fees.