Other Collaboration Software Resources
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Other Collaboration Software Discussions
Question on: Pamela for Skype
Why does it sometimes slow down at the time of recording?It is important to know to take into account the necessary software capacity
For my part, I would say that it is due to the Internet connection or the capacity of the equipment, it is logical to think that if taxes are executed on a computer with many resources, everything will work perfectly, but if it has few it will give you problems.
Question on: Krisp
When will there be a native M1 version?I would like to know the timeframe to release Krisp to M1 in the native version and not in Rosetta2? I don't know if the glitches with Bluetooth devices are related to the Mac or to Krisp. Sometimes I have to take off my airpods and put them back but in doing so Krisp complaints of not being able to connect to the airpods.
Hello! You can learn more information on native M1 audio support here - https://krisp.ai/blog/apple-m1-chip-support/
If you're experiencing issues, please drop us a quick message at support@krisp.ai so that we can investigate this further.
Question on: Krisp
Do you know if Krisp will be adding or supporting more billing modes in the future?Krisp only has two billing modes at the moment, monthly or yearly.
Hello Guillermo! Could you please let us know what billing modes are you interested in adding to Krisp? We would love to pass your feedback on to the team.