Medication Dispensing Software Resources
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Medication Dispensing Software Discussions
Question on: PrimeRx
Is the software compatible with WorkComp electronic billing?PrimeRx™ WorkComp
Yes, our software is compatible with requirements for workmen’s compensation electronic billing. We offer all fields needed to successfully transmit a workman’s compensation claim to an insurance company.
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Question on: PrimeRx
What are a few PrimeRx best features?PrimeRx™ Features
• Workflow – Freedom to Define your Workflow
• Completely Automated (Turnkey) Refill Management System– Improve Patient Adherence
• RxSync™ – Sync all Refills to one date
• Two-way Outbound Calling, SMS/TXT, Email – Stay in touch with your Patients
• My PrimeRx™ Owners App – Get real-time business performance information, so that you can work ON your business, not IN your business
• Inbound and Outbound Fax integration – through Sfax, a HIPAA compliant fax service
• Report Writer – Freedom to create your Reports
• Clinical Assessment Module – Capture Clinical Data and Create Custom Care Plans
• Business Analytics – Gather Actionable Intelligence from your data to help grow your business
Question on: PrimeRx
Does the system have an AR (accounts receivable) function and is it user-friendly?PrimeRx™ Accounts Receivable
Yes, PrimeRx™ includes a complete house charge system that allows you to post charges and payments, apply finance charges and print statements. I addition, the system provides the option to view statements on the screen, so that patient inquiries can be easily addressed. PrimeRx allows pharmacies to efficiently generate more than 2,000 charge account invoices every month.