Inventory Management Software Resources
Articles, Glossary Terms, and Discussions to expand your knowledge on Inventory Management Software
Resource pages are designed to give you a cross-section of information we have on specific categories. You'll find articles from our experts, feature definitions, and discussions from users like you.
Inventory Management Software Articles
Inventory Management: How to Organize and Plan Effectively
Managing your inventory is all the rage right now.
by Alexandra Vazquez
Introducing the Returns Management Category on G2
It’s safe to say that almost everyone has returned a product that they bought, either in-store or online. The reason for the return isn’t relevant—maybe a shirt didn’t fit, a toy arrived damaged, or they just decided they didn’t want the merchandise anymore. Whatever the reason, the retailer or manufacturer needs to have the proper return infrastructure in place to process and track these returns, ensuring that inventory is replenished or updated, and the customer receives a replacement product or a refund or credit is issued.
by Nathan Calabrese
Supply Chain Trends in 2022
This post is part of G2's 2022 digital trends series. Read more about G2’s perspective on digital transformation trends in an introduction from Tom Pringle, VP, market research, and additional coverage on trends identified by G2’s analysts.
by Anthony Orso
COVID-19 Drives E-Commerce Growth for Brick and Mortar Retailers
The coronavirus pandemic has compelled consumers to stay home in quarantine, driving some brick and mortar stores to either move online or adopt a combination of both in-store (curbside pickup) and online sales methods for the first time.
by Nathan Calabrese
Inventory Management Software Glossary Terms
Inventory Management Software Discussions
Question on: Bellwether BPM Purchasing Software
What is Bellwether BPM Purchasing Software used for?What is Bellwether BPM Purchasing Software used for?
Mainly it is used for our MRO purchases.