CAD data exchange software allows users to receive data from one system and then translate it into the necessary format so it can be read on another CAD solution. This software integrates with general-purpose CAD software to grab all the data needed for the exchange. These solutions should perform quality checks and data validation to ensure the exchange is as clean and accurate as possible.
CAD data exchange ensures all types of data are captured during the exchange process, including geometry and attributes. These solutions are typically leveraged by businesses and in fields that frequently use CAD software, such as architects and engineers. These users can utilize CAD data exchange software to share important data with colleagues and customers to ensure that all necessary parties can view the CAD data.
To qualify for inclusion in the CAD Data Exchange category, a product must:
Integrate with general-purpose CAD software solutions
Translate CAD data from one system to another
Perform data quality and validation checks to ensure data is clean and accurate